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Gail Ramsey



If ever the world needed joy, it’s now! God tells us the joy of the Lord is our strength, so we need to protect our joy at all costs.

You may be looking around your life right now and saying “well there’s not a lot to be joyful for...” That’s why I want to give you an early Christmas gift. Go ahead, open it! You really don’t have to wait until Christmas! It’s the box wrapped in gold and tied with a red ribbon.

Inside the box you will find Joyful Anticipation. Joyful Anticipation is the expectation of something wonderful that you’ve been hoping for. Something you’ve been praying that God would do for you. It’s time to dream again!

Joyful Anticipation is the excitement we see on the faces of little children during Christmas time… So much excitement they can barely sleep! But God doesn’t only want to bless the children, He wants to bless YOU. In fact, He says it very clearly, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:24

Your job, and my job is to BELIEVE that He actually meant what He said. And, that He is faithful to do what He said he would do.

In order to fully enjoy receive and enjoy this gift, you’ll need to go to a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off your phone. Then close your eyes and begin to imagine your dreams actually coming to pass...the desires of your heart being manifest now, right before your eyes. Use your imagination! “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.“ Proverbs 23:7 The way you see yourself in your own mind is what will manifest in your life. Jesus said it this way, “if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23. It’s time to expect the unexpected. Expectancy is the breeding ground of miracles!

Bury those disappointments and failures, and never dig them up again. The past is over. That’s why we call it passed. God wants to do a new thing in your life!

I encourage you today to trust God, and believe, with Joyful Anticipation, that He wants to give you the deepest desires of your heart, and fulfill all your purpose. Because He does!

Merry Christmas!

Gail Ramsey & Staff

Gail Ramsey Ministries

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